Objectives: Practise a Table completion task
1. Do you have a favourite season? Which one? Why do you like it?
2. Read the test task and answer the questions.
- You will hear a radio talk. What do you think it will be about?
- What main points will the speaker discuss? How do you know?
- Look at the words around each gap. What type of information is missing?
3. Complete the test task
4. Discuss the questions.
- How did the heading and the information in the lelf-hand column help you follow the talk?
- Did you correctly predict the type of information for each gap?
- Did you check?
+ That the words made sense with the words before and after each gap?
+ The number of words you wrote in each gap?
+ Your spelling?
5. Are you affected by different season? In what way? Think about:
- The light
- How warm or cold it is
- Things like wind, rain, and sun
- The kind of activities you do in different seasons